Find & Replace


Bob Stringer

I have both Word 2000 and Word 2002. My question concerns
how to do a search and replace.

In certain kinds of documents I use an arrow from Insert |
Symbols (in fact, I use it often enough that I have it
assigned to a key combo). What happens is that if I copy a
block of text from a document that contains the arrows, and
I then paste special, the arrows are all inserted as a
registered trademark symbol (®). The trademark symbol
inserts ok in the Find What box, but the arrow doesn't paste
into the Replace With box, and so a conventional Find and
Replace apparently isn't an option.

Is there a relatively easy way to substitute the arrow for
the trademark symbol?


Bob Stringer

Graham Mayor said:
Install and use the find symbol macro utility supplied on
the Word installation disc (certainly with Word 2000) in (or download it

Thanks, Graham.

I downloaded and "installed" it ok, but can't get it to work
from there. (Note that my ability re macros is limited to
recording, and copying and using macros posted in news
groups. I don't understand code or how to "debug" a macro,

As mentioned, I downloaded the .dot file and ran it. The
FindSymbol macro launches fine when is open.
However, I followed the instructions to import the macro
into, and while that part of it seemed to be
successful (FindSymbol is now listed in the macro dialog
box), when I try to run it I get an error message. It

Run-time error 424
Object required

When I click the debug button, what I assume is the code for
the macro appears, and the words "Load frmFindSymbol" are
highlighted in yellow. If there's something I'm supposed to
do from that point, in order to "debug" the macro or
otherwise, I don't know what it is.

Any idea what's going on and what I need to do to make it

Thanks again.

Graham Mayor

You apparently haven't copied all the relevant parts from to
Open in Word and run the organizer (tools > macro > macros >
organizer) and copy the form frmFindSymbol to

Open the vba Editor (Alt+F11) then from its toolbar Run > Reset.

File > Save, & close the editor. It should then work.

<>>< ><<> ><<> <>>< ><<> <>>< <>><<>
Graham Mayor - Word MVP

<>>< ><<> ><<> <>>< ><<> <>>< <>><<>

Bob Stringer

Graham Mayor said:
You apparently haven't copied all the relevant parts from to Open in Word and
run the organizer (tools > macro > macros > organizer) and
copy the form frmFindSymbol to
Open the vba Editor (Alt+F11) then from its toolbar Run >
File > Save, & close the editor. It should then work.

You were right. It works now.

Thanks large, Graham.

Bob Stringer

Back with another question. Two, actually.

First, although the Find Symbol dialog now appears, I'm
having trouble finding what I need to: e.g., the registered
trademark symbol in documents which are in my default font,
Times New Roman.

When I open the FindSymbol dialog box and click the Symbol
button under "Find what" (which opens Symbol dialog box),
click on a symbol and then Insert, if the font to be search
for is "(normal text)", instead putting the symbol in the
Find What area, it produces this message: "Use Edit/Find
Replace to search for characters in the Normal Text format."
As a result, I can't search for the registered trademark
symbol as it appears in normal text. I can switch to another
font -- such as Arial -- for the thing to be search for, but
registered trademark symbol in Arial is different than the
one in Times New Roman, the symbol in my document isn't
searched for.

If I change the font in the *document* to Arial, and then go
through the same process, everything works fine. I can use
the Find Symbol dialog box to search for symbols in Arial.
But the thing is, I prefer working with Times New Roman, and
for some reason searching in that font doesn't seem
possible, as far as I can tell.

Second, FindSymbol, to the extent it does work for me so
far, appears to be set up only to look for symbols and
replace them with either symbols or text. It doesn't seem to
be able to search for text in order to replace it with
symbols. Is that possible, or do I need to look for a
different solution in order to do that?

Thanks again.

Graham Mayor

It works for me. The registered trademark symbol ® is at character 174.

You can also search for it with the standard replace tool by searching for
irrespective of whether it is in TNR or Arial.

You may find the following macro useful as an aid to identifying the
character numbers:

Sub ANSIValue()
S1$ = "Because the selected text contains"
S2$ = " characters, not all of the ANSI values will be displayed."
S3$ = "ANSI Value ("
S4$ = " characters in selection)"
S5$ = " character in selection)"
S6$ = "Text must be selected before this macro is run."
S7$ = "ANSI Value"
Dim strSel As String
Dim strNums As String
Dim LastFourChar As String
Dim iPos As Integer
strSel = Selection.Text
If Len(strSel) > 0 Then
For i = 1 To Len(strSel)
strNums = strNums + Str(Asc(Mid(strSel, i)))
Next i
strNums = LTrim(strNums)
If Len(strNums) > 255 Then
LastFourChar = Mid(strNums, 252, 4)
strNums = Left(strNums, 251) + Left(LastFourChar, _
4 - InStr(" ", LastFourChar))
MsgBox S1$ + Str(Len(strSel)) + S2$
End If
If Len(strSel) = 1 Then S4$ = S5$
MsgBox strNums, 0, S3$ + LTrim(Str(Len(strSel))) + S4$
MsgBox S6$, 0, S7$
End If
End Sub


<>>< ><<> ><<> <>>< ><<> <>>< <>><<>
Graham Mayor - Word MVP

<>>< ><<> ><<> <>>< ><<> <>>< <>><<>

<>>< ><<> ><<> <>>< ><<> <>>< <>><<>
Graham Mayor - Word MVP

<>>< ><<> ><<> <>>< ><<> <>>< <>><<>.

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