Find room number in Gloabal Address List



I want to run a wsh vbscript that will get a users room number from
I'm using something called BigFix that deploys patches and does
inventory of computers that have its client installed.
I want to use it to run a script on each workstation that will extract
a phone number and a room number from Outlook.

When I run Outlook 2002 and look at the Global Address Book using
the tools\address book.On any users properties page we have an
additional field that's labeled room #:
I've been searching the Internet and useing adsiedit.msc and
dsquery and dsget trying to find this room # field. I don't know if its
in the GAL or is it a customised Outlook form? Or both. Haven't had
much luck finding the field at all.
Unfortunately my search keeps geting bigger. I don't know weather to
use CDO or WMI with vbscript. Is this info on the Exchange server? Any
help or redirection would be great.

Sue Mosher [MVP-Outlook]

If you're seeing it in users' property pages in their GAL entries, then the data is in Active Directory and Outlook custom forms don't enter the picture at all. Instead, the data is being displayed in custom Exchange address book template. You can see the template settings, including the fields used, by running the Exchange System Manager tool on the server, then drilling down to Recipients / Details Templates / English / User. Look on the Templates tab for pairs of controls -- Label, then the control used to enter the value. The Value column for the entry control will give you the name of the field being displayed.

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