find setting for notifiing me on new email in outlook



i would like for outlook to sound a tone when a new email comes in but cant
find a setting for that, but i bet its there somewhere.

Orland, Kathleen

It would help if you included your version of Outlook since instructions for
newer versions differ a bit from older versions.


yt8589 said:
i would like for outlook to sound a tone when a new email comes in but cant
find a setting for that, but i bet its there somewhere.

For all e-mails or just for some of them? For some of them (i.e., those
for which you defined rules), you don't see a "play <sound>" clause to
add to those rules? If you want a global sound then go configure your
Windows sounds using the Sounds applet in Control Panel and select a
file for the "New e-mail notification" event; however, the "Play a
sound" option must also be enabled in Outlook (the Sound event simply
defines what sound to use, not if it gets used). As to where the "Play
a sound" option is found depends on the version of Outlook but which you
neglected to mention. For OL2003: Tools -> Options -> Preferences tab
-> E-mail Options -> Advanced E-mail Options.

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