Find specific info within a text string using VBA



I have an order number embeeded in the title of an email. For example, the
order number below is 09-11111
"Re: 09-11111 sent to customer Jones"
The order number is not necessarily in the same spot for each email.

I am comparing two worksheets to see what does not match between the orders
and emails sent.

Using the following works for the above scenario--it finds the order #09-11111
Set C = .Find(OrderNum, LookIn:=xlValues)

Unfortunately, there can be revisions to the order, e.g., 09-11111_2 or
09-11111_3, etc.

The "find method" searches within a string, and when I need to locate JUST
09-11111, it finds it when it comes across the email containing 09-11111_2.
I need it to find the exact string within the email text, e.g, "Re: 09-11111
sent to customer Jones" and NOT "This is in response to your order of

Can you think of an alternative way to search?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Jacob Skaria


The below code using INSTR looks for an exact match and returns 0 if no
match found. If there is a match it returns the position.

Dim strETitle as String
Dim strSearch as String

strETitle = "your email title"
strSearch = "09-11111"

=Instr(1," " & strETitle & " "," " & strSearch & " ",vbTextCompare )

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Jacob Skaria

Attach space to the search string before find

OrderNum = " " & Cstr(OrderNum) & " "

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