Find - strange behaviour



Working on a database (written in A2003 with SP3), I used 'Find' to do a
simple search. I expected it not to find what I was looking for, but instead
of it putting up a box saying so, it just put a message in the status bar.
Long story short - I found that it will put up the box only when I have run a
macro - any macro. I don't run autoexec, or any other macro on start up, and
as a test, I added an autoexec, which just does a 'beep'. If I close and
open the database, Find then works. If I disable the autoexec it doesn't.

Having an autoexec which does nothing much like this gets round it, but has
anyone else seen this? Am I cracking up or is this a known problem I've
missed? I'm using the mdb at the moment, but the mde created from it does
the same. It does it on Access 2003 and 2007 BTW.


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