Find text that matches letter number format then modify



I hope someone can help.

I need to find text that matches a specific format but not content.
With this I need to modify four characters within the selected text. And,
add 2 characters. I hope this is enough information.

Your help is greatly appreciated.

Jay Freedman

In general terms, you should use a wildcard pattern in the Replace dialog to
express the format you're looking for. See for an extensive

If you want specific help with constructing the wildcard expressions, then
you haven't given nearly enough information. We would need to know:

- What is the "format" you're finding?
- How do you know which four characters to modify?
- To what should the characters be modified?
- What characters should be added? Where do they go?
- Which version of Word are you working in?

Jay Freedman
Microsoft Word MVP
Email cannot be acknowledged; please post all follow-ups to the newsgroup so
all may benefit.

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