Find Then Delete Table



I want to check to see if a table (Storage) is in the database and then
delete it.

I know about Docmd.DeleteObject but sometimes the table will not be in the
database. So how can I check to see if the table is there and if it is then
delete. I have tried SelectObject and that does not work.

DoCmd.DeleteObject acTable, "Storage"

Thanks for any help.


If TableExists("Storage") Then
Docmd.DeleteObject acTable, "Storage"
End If

Public Function TableExists(strTableName As String) As Boolean
Dim tdfs As TableDefs
Dim tdf As TableDef

TableExists = False
Set tdfs = CurrentDb.TableDefs
For Each tdf In tdfs
If tdf.Name = strTableName Then
TableExists = True
Exit For
End If
Next tdf
Set tdfs = Nothing

End Function


Hey Klatuu,

Can I just paste the code in an event procedure (i.e. Cmd Button Click). Do
I have call the function but it did work.


I have the TableExists function in a standard module where I keep alsorts of
utilities like that. The call to it can be in the Click event of a command
When you say it didn't work, what happened? Error message, if so, what and


I get this message: "Compile Error: Argument not optional" I can not figure
it out?

Here is the the Call on the Click event on a cmd button:

Call TableExists '(strTableName As String) As Boolean

If TableExists("Storage") Then
DoCmd.DeleteObject acTable, "Storage"
End If


You are commenting out the argument. It looks like you did a copy paste that
was not correct.

Call TableExists '(strTableName As String) As Boolean
^ - Problem is here

Assuming your table name is Storage, the original code I posted should work:

If TableExists("Storage") Then
Docmd.DeleteObject acTable, "Storage"
End If

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