I need some help with this.
In $O$1 I have a calculated Julian Date ( 1 through 365) ( defined as
There is a button under it so that when clicked it will take me to the
matching Julian Date on the sheet (defined as "JulianDates")
I have tried several things on my own without success, so I searched through
some of the previous posts and copied some of the macros from there and
edited them to what I thought I needed…. I did not get a toothless budgie (
suck seed…)
Keep in mind, I am very, very new at macros and am just learning by creating
sheets that simplify the every day use of them. These are not "make or break"
important spreadsheets (also saved as versions), so that I can try out new
stuff without compromising any important data.
This code I got from Tom Ogilvy for an earlier problem I had, works the best
so far, but still gives me an error at rng.Value
I've also tried things with the Hlookup, since my Range to find is
Any ideas??
Grateful for any help.
Sub TakeMeThere()
Dim myFind As Integer
Dim rng As Range
myFind = Worksheets("Weekly").Range("$O$1").Value
Set rng = Worksheets("Weekly").Range( _
"JulianDates").Find(myFind, _
LookIn:=xlValues, LookAt:=xlWhole)
If Not rng Is Nothing Then
MsgBox myFind & " was not found"
End If
End Sub
In $O$1 I have a calculated Julian Date ( 1 through 365) ( defined as
There is a button under it so that when clicked it will take me to the
matching Julian Date on the sheet (defined as "JulianDates")
I have tried several things on my own without success, so I searched through
some of the previous posts and copied some of the macros from there and
edited them to what I thought I needed…. I did not get a toothless budgie (
suck seed…)
Keep in mind, I am very, very new at macros and am just learning by creating
sheets that simplify the every day use of them. These are not "make or break"
important spreadsheets (also saved as versions), so that I can try out new
stuff without compromising any important data.
This code I got from Tom Ogilvy for an earlier problem I had, works the best
so far, but still gives me an error at rng.Value
I've also tried things with the Hlookup, since my Range to find is
Any ideas??
Grateful for any help.
Sub TakeMeThere()
Dim myFind As Integer
Dim rng As Range
myFind = Worksheets("Weekly").Range("$O$1").Value
Set rng = Worksheets("Weekly").Range( _
"JulianDates").Find(myFind, _
LookIn:=xlValues, LookAt:=xlWhole)
If Not rng Is Nothing Then
MsgBox myFind & " was not found"
End If
End Sub