Find then GoTo problem code



I need some help with this.
In $O$1 I have a calculated Julian Date ( 1 through 365) ( defined as
There is a button under it so that when clicked it will take me to the
matching Julian Date on the sheet (defined as "JulianDates")
I have tried several things on my own without success, so I searched through
some of the previous posts and copied some of the macros from there and
edited them to what I thought I needed…. I did not get a toothless budgie (
suck seed…)
Keep in mind, I am very, very new at macros and am just learning by creating
sheets that simplify the every day use of them. These are not "make or break"
important spreadsheets (also saved as versions), so that I can try out new
stuff without compromising any important data.
This code I got from Tom Ogilvy for an earlier problem I had, works the best
so far, but still gives me an error at rng.Value


I've also tried things with the Hlookup, since my Range to find is
Any ideas??
Grateful for any help.

Sub TakeMeThere()
Dim myFind As Integer
Dim rng As Range
myFind = Worksheets("Weekly").Range("$O$1").Value
Set rng = Worksheets("Weekly").Range( _
"JulianDates").Find(myFind, _
LookIn:=xlValues, LookAt:=xlWhole)

If Not rng Is Nothing Then


MsgBox myFind & " was not found"
End If

End Sub


Thank You chianzen, that was the missing link.
Also thank you Carim for your link. Even though I do not have a problem
calculating the Julian dates, that showed me other ways of getting the same
which I'm sure I will try out in the near future.
Thank you all for your help.


Not sure how to explain, but here goes. I am getting some barcoding
software to track the shipmaent of some products. When I receive the
products they come with an Excel speadsheet that contains information
about the person(s) they are going to. Each product will have a Barcode
with a number imbedded in it that is already present in the Excel
Spreadsheet. I'm looking for a way for the number in the barcode to
find it's matching barcode in the Excel spreadsheet and populate in a
determined cell on the same row.


798556 Mr. John Doe 3200 Phillip Lake Dr. Northport AL 35406

The first number "798856" is already present. The second "798556" has
been scanned and inputted. I need the second one, when scanned to find
it's match and populate a cell on the same row. Is this possible to do
in Excel?

ANy help would be great!

:) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)

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