I'm attempting to do a backwards search, but I keep getting a mismatch
error on the Find function and don't know why.
Range("AH5").Value = Range("H3").Value
lowcagr = Range("AH5").Value
LR3 = Range("V616").Find(What:=lowcagr, after:=ActiveCell,
LookIn:=xlValues, LookAt _
:=xlPart, SearchOrder:=xlByRows,
SearchDirection:=xlPrevious, MatchCase _
:=False, SearchFormat:=False).Row
The formula in H3 is =MIN(V$15:INDIRECT(AE$25)) and it's value shows up
-2.62130736985065E-02. The cell is formatted as a percentage with
2 decimals.
The variable lowcagr is defined as double and it's value shows up as
LR3 is defined as double.
The values in column V were calculated by :
ActiveCell.Value = ((tempprice / Fromprice) ^ (1 / nyears)) - 1
where tempprice, Fromprice, and nyears are all defined as double.
The column V is formatted as number with 4 decimals.
Ultimately, I'm trying to find which row in column V matches the value
in H3. The number of rows in column V changes each time the
spreadsheet is run, thereby necessitating the indirect in H3.
THanks for any help.
PS Sorry about the formatting...I can't find any code formats to insert.
I'm attempting to do a backwards search, but I keep getting a mismatch
error on the Find function and don't know why.
Range("AH5").Value = Range("H3").Value
lowcagr = Range("AH5").Value
LR3 = Range("V616").Find(What:=lowcagr, after:=ActiveCell,
LookIn:=xlValues, LookAt _
:=xlPart, SearchOrder:=xlByRows,
SearchDirection:=xlPrevious, MatchCase _
:=False, SearchFormat:=False).Row
The formula in H3 is =MIN(V$15:INDIRECT(AE$25)) and it's value shows up
-2.62130736985065E-02. The cell is formatted as a percentage with
2 decimals.
The variable lowcagr is defined as double and it's value shows up as
LR3 is defined as double.
The values in column V were calculated by :
ActiveCell.Value = ((tempprice / Fromprice) ^ (1 / nyears)) - 1
where tempprice, Fromprice, and nyears are all defined as double.
The column V is formatted as number with 4 decimals.
Ultimately, I'm trying to find which row in column V matches the value
in H3. The number of rows in column V changes each time the
spreadsheet is run, thereby necessitating the indirect in H3.
THanks for any help.
PS Sorry about the formatting...I can't find any code formats to insert.