Find Unused Controls



I am close to finishing a fairly complex form. I know I have unused controls
in the Main data source that were created but as the form evolved became
unneeded or unused. My question is what is a good technique for discovering
controls that are no longer being used in the form? If a Text Box that holds
a boolean value for example is not listed by the Logic Inspector Tool mean
that I can safely delete that control?

Kalyan G Reddy MVP (GGK Tech)


Logic Inspector will only show whether there are any data validation, rules,
code etc on the control, but does not tell you whether that field is used in
the form. You have to do it manually along with the Logic Inspector.


Hi. Can someone tell me HOW to delete unused controls? I have the exact
issue as Marma but I have searched and searched to find out how to delete
unused controls and cannot. As my form has evolved, there are enough unused
controls that it is now becoming confusing and difficult to find the correct
binding in some cases. Any help would be appreciated.

Can you tell I am an InfoPath newbie? :)


Ben Walters

Hey charhall,
Ideally the form should not get to the state where there are coutless unused
fields on the form. However if you do have a lot that are not in use simply
click through the fields in the Datasource, as you select each field the
corrosponding control on the form will be higlighted showing you if it's in
use or not. Now while that will take care of any fields that are used up
front in the form it won't help for any fields that are used for storing
internal data or check values that are note displayed to the user.

For those fields it will be a matter of trial and error unfortnately.

Hope this helps
Ben Walters

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