I believe that you can find something useful at www.msdn.microsoft.com
Search for LDB View. If you have no joy there then do a search on
those same two terms (put them in quotes) at www.groups.google.com I
know there has been a post in these groups sometime in the last day or
There is a utility call 'LDB View' but is only good for non-Jet 4.0 DBs
(prior Access 2000). Anyway that would only allow viewing.
I cannot find anything that can programmatically determine who has record
locked and show that to the 'locked out' person. The 'locked out' person
could yell out to the 'locker', "hey you...". I think you know what I mean.
Larry Daugherty said:
I believe that you can find something useful at www.msdn.microsoft.com
Search for LDB View. If you have no joy there then do a search on
those same two terms (put them in quotes) at www.groups.google.com I
know there has been a post in these groups sometime in the last day or
Now I understand what you mean. Good luck in your search.
ThomasAJ said:
There is a utility call 'LDB View' but is only good for non-Jet 4.0 DBs
(prior Access 2000). Anyway that would only allow viewing.
I cannot find anything that can programmatically determine who has record
locked and show that to the 'locked out' person. The 'locked out' person
could yell out to the 'locker', "hey you...". I think you know what I mean.
Garry Robinson has a good book out about security which has alot of
info in it about creating tables to enter who is logged in ect. you may
google him for info. Whenever we get locked out of a db it lists the
users machine who has it locked out. We have a user group list that has
user phone number and machine number in a spreadsheet. Just look up
number and call.
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