From the looks of this site, there are some challenging issue swith Instant
Search. Plus, in fairness, it is designed for Vista and I am running on XP
Pro. I think it is prudent to not install or use Instant Search. However, I
do not seem to see any other option/functionality for finding messages in
Outlook with particular content. What happened to basic Find ?
How can I have a PIM & email client with NO search capability ?
Is this an instance of my *only* option being a bad one ?
Search. Plus, in fairness, it is designed for Vista and I am running on XP
Pro. I think it is prudent to not install or use Instant Search. However, I
do not seem to see any other option/functionality for finding messages in
Outlook with particular content. What happened to basic Find ?
How can I have a PIM & email client with NO search capability ?
Is this an instance of my *only* option being a bad one ?