I got the FindAsUType form to work for me. Yeah!
I deleted the form and code that I had previously tried and could not figure
out. I then went back step by step and tried it again. This time, at 3a.m.
with “No Interruptions†from outside sourcesâ€. LOL. I have managed to make
it work. But, I have some questions still.
I copied the combo box from example and when I typed in what I wanted to
filter, it gave me the msg “Item not in the listâ€. I then deleted these.
Boxes. I placed a combo box on the “filter the field†and identified the
following choices: Part Name, Part Number, and Remarks,
(cboFindAsUTypeField). I then put in a text box for the for the value box,
(txtFindAsUTypeValue). Both are unbound. I also linked my form to my table
with the properties in design view. Then in the form view, I select Part
name from the drop down combo box and then place a part name in the value
box. This works fine. This brings up the first part name that is in the
table. When I select Part Number from the dropdown combo box and try to
insert a part number into the value, I get an error msg that said the part
number is not in the list. Also, I get the same thing when I try the remarks.
I would like for the user to have the option to choose which type of search
he does, ie. By Part Name, Part Number or Remarks. Can I do that with this
form? Also, when I identify a Part Name in the dropdown box, and then
identify i.e. “Packing†and hit enter, the first packing in the table comes
up. But the problem is there may be more then one packing. How can I get
the form to bring up all the packings in the table so the user can then
decide which packing he wants based on the rest of the info available?
The fields I have to bring up the information are as follows:
Part Name, Part Number, Qty, Location, Remarks.
These heading mirror my table headings. Again, when I try with a part name
all works fine, except that only one part name comes up. And when I try the
procedure with the part number and remarks I get an error msg. Sorry this is
I deleted the form and code that I had previously tried and could not figure
out. I then went back step by step and tried it again. This time, at 3a.m.
with “No Interruptions†from outside sourcesâ€. LOL. I have managed to make
it work. But, I have some questions still.
I copied the combo box from example and when I typed in what I wanted to
filter, it gave me the msg “Item not in the listâ€. I then deleted these.
Boxes. I placed a combo box on the “filter the field†and identified the
following choices: Part Name, Part Number, and Remarks,
(cboFindAsUTypeField). I then put in a text box for the for the value box,
(txtFindAsUTypeValue). Both are unbound. I also linked my form to my table
with the properties in design view. Then in the form view, I select Part
name from the drop down combo box and then place a part name in the value
box. This works fine. This brings up the first part name that is in the
table. When I select Part Number from the dropdown combo box and try to
insert a part number into the value, I get an error msg that said the part
number is not in the list. Also, I get the same thing when I try the remarks.
I would like for the user to have the option to choose which type of search
he does, ie. By Part Name, Part Number or Remarks. Can I do that with this
form? Also, when I identify a Part Name in the dropdown box, and then
identify i.e. “Packing†and hit enter, the first packing in the table comes
up. But the problem is there may be more then one packing. How can I get
the form to bring up all the packings in the table so the user can then
decide which packing he wants based on the rest of the info available?
The fields I have to bring up the information are as follows:
Part Name, Part Number, Qty, Location, Remarks.
These heading mirror my table headings. Again, when I try with a part name
all works fine, except that only one part name comes up. And when I try the
procedure with the part number and remarks I get an error msg. Sorry this is