FindFirst method



I get a syntax error (missing operator in expression for
the rst.FindFirst statement. The SQL statement combines 2
fields into one variable "Expr1". I'm not sure if I can
treat it as a field name.

str = "SELECT [PO Parts].[PO#], [PO Parts].Description,
[PO Parts].Qty, " & _
"[PO Parts].QtyRecd2, [PO Parts].TotQtyRecd2, [PO
Parts].OrgOrdQty, " & _
"([PO Parts].Description & CStr([PO Parts].[PO#])) AS
Expr1 " & _
"FROM [PO Parts] ORDER BY [PO Parts].Description &
CStr([PO Parts].[PO#]);"
Set rst = db.OpenRecordset(str, dbOpenDynaset)
rst.FindFirst "[Expr1] = """ & strID & """"

Dan Artuso

I wasn't sure either so I tested it out and you can refer to the alias
as the field name. What is strId? Does it contain qoutes within itself?


Dim strID As String
strID = rst!Description & CStr(rst![PO#])
-----Original Message-----
I wasn't sure either so I tested it out and you can refer to the alias
as the field name. What is strId? Does it contain qoutes within itself?

Dan Artuso, Access MVP

I get a syntax error (missing operator in expression for
the rst.FindFirst statement. The SQL statement combines 2
fields into one variable "Expr1". I'm not sure if I can
treat it as a field name.

str = "SELECT [PO Parts].[PO#], [PO Parts].Description,
[PO Parts].Qty, " & _
"[PO Parts].QtyRecd2, [PO Parts].TotQtyRecd2, [PO
Parts].OrgOrdQty, " & _
"([PO Parts].Description & CStr([PO Parts].[PO#])) AS
Expr1 " & _
"FROM [PO Parts] ORDER BY [PO Parts].Description &
CStr([PO Parts].[PO#]);"
Set rst = db.OpenRecordset(str, dbOpenDynaset)
rst.FindFirst "[Expr1] = """ & strID & """"


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