I am setting up a module to export a query to excel. I want 2 ways to export
the query. The first way works....from a form the query and export is run
from a command button - the query is filtered based on the ProjNo field on
the form. The second way I would like to run the export from the
switchboard. Currently I open the form (eventually open hidden but the code
should run either way), ask the user for a Project Number and use the
..FindFirst method to navigate to that project. From here I believe I can run
the same code that is performed by the command button on the form.
I have two test records in my database for development purposes. The two
projects numbers are "Test-0001" which is the format of the actual project
numbers (????99-0000) and "12345". When I run the code, if I type either of
these or "0001" I get a NoMatch. Why does the module not find the record?
Does it matter that my on load, my form goes to a new record?
Public Sub ExportEstimate()
'On Error GoTo Err_Export
Dim Dsktp, Tmplt, Msg, Proj As String, CurUser As Object, Warn As Integer
DoCmd.OpenForm "GenerateEstimate", acNormal ', , , , acHidden
Proj = InputBox("Enter Project Number")
If Not IsNull(Proj) Then
If Len(Proj) = 4 Then
With Forms![GeneratEestimate].RecordsetClone
.FindFirst "Right([ProjNo],4) =" & """ & Proj & """
If .NoMatch Then
MsgBox "No Project Found"
Forms![GeneratEestimate].Bookmark = .Bookmark
End If
End With
With Forms![GeneratEestimate].RecordsetClone
.FindFirst "[ProjNo] =" & """ & Proj & """
If .NoMatch Then
MsgBox "No Project Found"
Forms![GeneratEestimate].Bookmark = .Bookmark
End If
End With
End If
'Run Query and Export Code Here, uses Dsktp, Tmplt, Msg, CurUser, Warn
End If
Exit Sub
'MsgBox Err.Description
'Resume Exit_Export
End Sub
the query. The first way works....from a form the query and export is run
from a command button - the query is filtered based on the ProjNo field on
the form. The second way I would like to run the export from the
switchboard. Currently I open the form (eventually open hidden but the code
should run either way), ask the user for a Project Number and use the
..FindFirst method to navigate to that project. From here I believe I can run
the same code that is performed by the command button on the form.
I have two test records in my database for development purposes. The two
projects numbers are "Test-0001" which is the format of the actual project
numbers (????99-0000) and "12345". When I run the code, if I type either of
these or "0001" I get a NoMatch. Why does the module not find the record?
Does it matter that my on load, my form goes to a new record?
Public Sub ExportEstimate()
'On Error GoTo Err_Export
Dim Dsktp, Tmplt, Msg, Proj As String, CurUser As Object, Warn As Integer
DoCmd.OpenForm "GenerateEstimate", acNormal ', , , , acHidden
Proj = InputBox("Enter Project Number")
If Not IsNull(Proj) Then
If Len(Proj) = 4 Then
With Forms![GeneratEestimate].RecordsetClone
.FindFirst "Right([ProjNo],4) =" & """ & Proj & """
If .NoMatch Then
MsgBox "No Project Found"
Forms![GeneratEestimate].Bookmark = .Bookmark
End If
End With
With Forms![GeneratEestimate].RecordsetClone
.FindFirst "[ProjNo] =" & """ & Proj & """
If .NoMatch Then
MsgBox "No Project Found"
Forms![GeneratEestimate].Bookmark = .Bookmark
End If
End With
End If
'Run Query and Export Code Here, uses Dsktp, Tmplt, Msg, CurUser, Warn
End If
Exit Sub
'MsgBox Err.Description
'Resume Exit_Export
End Sub