Findind an Outlook Item


Odd Spot

What is the most efficient means of finding an item if you do not know
what folder the item is located in. Is there an global identifier for
Outlook Items. (example: I want to find and email that is located in
the folder Business -> Projects -> Client A, but my program does not
know what folder the email is in)

P.S. I am using C# to code, so any references to that object model
would be great.


Sue Mosher [MVP-Outlook]

If you know the EntryID, you can use Namespace.GetItemFromID.

Is the folder in a mailbox, .pst file, or Public Folders?

Odd Spot

Right now I am assuming the folder is in mailbox, but I would like to
have the flexibility of locating a message that exists in any of those
options if possible.
What is the EntryID? Is that an attribute on the MailItem?


Sue Mosher [MVP-Outlook]

What is the EntryID? Is that an attribute on the MailItem?

Yes, as you'll see if you look at the object browser.
Right now I am assuming the folder is in mailbox, but I would like to
have the flexibility of locating a message that exists in any of those
options if possible.

Take a look at Items.Find, Items.Restrict, and Application.AdvancedSearch

Also note: The newsgroup interface you are using apparently does not quote
earlier messages in the thread, making your latest message so short on
detail that you risk not getting the answer you're looking for. Please take
the time to quote the original message.

Odd Spot

Great, Thanks for the help Sue. I'll try and figure out the quoting


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