I need it to complete the equation or a default 0 if there is nothing entered in for the values. In every column there has to be a value entered otherwise the end result is #NUM!
John wrote:
Re: Finding 2nd smallest number in range
Did you try this : =SMALL(A1:A100,2) this formula ignores text, blank cells an
Previous Posts In This Thread:
Finding 2nd smallest number in range
I need to return the 2nd smallest number in a range of cells, but the range
contains empty cells, multiple values & zero values. I need to ignore the
empty cells, multiple values & zero values - can this be done?
Re: Finding 2nd smallest number in range
array formula so enter with Shift+Ctrl+Ente
best wishe
Bernard V Liengm
Microsoft Excel MV
remove caps from email
Re: Finding 2nd smallest number in range
Did you try this : =SMALL(A1:A100,2) this formula ignores text, blank cells an
Thanks Bernard, this formula only works when all values in the range are
Thanks Bernard, this formula only works when all values in the range ar
different. What about duplicate values
OOPS, it does't ignore "0" sorryI see you have a response to your problem.
OOPS, it does't ignore "0" sorr
I see you have a response to your problem
Hi John, thanks for the reponse, my problem is with multiple values in a range
Hi John, thanks for the reponse, my problem is with multiple values in
range of cells, any ideas
Hi RachelSorry don't know it, wait and see from the others, then will both
Hi Rache
Sorry do not know it, wait and see from the others, then will both know it
Can be done with VBAIf you are not too familiar with VBA see David McRitchie's
Can be done with VB
If you are not too familiar with VBA see David McRitchie's site on "getting
started" with VB
Copy this to a general macro sheet and on the worksheet use in as in
Function nextsmall(rng
Small = WorksheetFunction.Max(rng
For Each num In rn
If num <> 0 And num < Small The
Small = nu
End I
Debug.Print "Small " & Smal
mytest = WorksheetFunction.Max(rng
For Each num In rn
If IsNumeric(num) And num <> 0 And num <> Small The
If num < mytest The
mytest = nu
End I
End I
nextsmall = mytes
End Functio
best wishe
Bernard V Liengm
Microsoft Excel MV
remove caps from emai
Re: Finding 2nd smallest number in range
Thanks Bernard, I will give it a whirl..
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