Finding a part number


PR Pillai

I have an excel workbook with two work sheets, In the firs sheet I have
cells with header as Part No., description & price and in my seconwork sheet
I have designed as a invoice, so that when I type the part number it should
automatically display the description and quatity which I have enetered in
the first work sheet. Could any one be able to help me to solve this issue.
Thanks in advance
PR Pillai


PR Pillai said:
I have an excel workbook with two work sheets, In the firs sheet I have
cells with header as Part No., description & price and in my seconwork
I have designed as a invoice, so that when I type the part number it
automatically display the description and quatity which I have enetered in
the first work sheet. Could any one be able to help me to solve this
Thanks in advance
PR Pillai

You need a "Lookup" formula in the Invoice. as this would be quite
complicated, I suggest initially you look in Excel help. and also have a
look here:

BTW - this is nothing to do with templates....

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