Finding a value associated with a range


Raymond Gallegos

Hello. I am attempting to create a formula that searches through a range
of values to identify where a number falls within the range and then, once
identified, takes an associated value as a multiplier in the formula. Here is
the range data:

1 400 600 950 1250 1450
2 $15 $30 $45 $50 $55

Lookup value: 425

Based on these values, I need a formula to search a1 through e1 and
return the value in B2 ($30) associated with 600 (because 425 is over
400, but not greater than 600) and allow me to then multiply the lookup
value of 425 by the value returned (e.g., $30) giving me a result of $12,750.
It's tough even describing what I want, but hopefully someone understands
and can assist me ASAP. Thank you.


Hlookup won't work.

The OP seems to want the lowest value that is greater than the lookup value
if there's not an exact match.

Reverse the order of the table.

1450 1250 950 600 400
55 50 45 30 15

A5 = lookup value = 425



Bernard Liengme

If you can put the values in descending order (row 1 has 1450, 1250...; row
2 has 55,50,...)
then this will give required result =INDEX(A2:E2,1,MATCH(A8,A1:E1,-1))
best wishes
Bernard V Liengme
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Raymond Gallegos

Nick, thank you for the information. When I utilize HLOOKUP for some
reason it comes back with the value associated with 400 versus 600. In
reading about the formula it denotes that if it can't find an exact match
it will select the next highes value (which would be 600), which would be
what I want, but it doesn't seem to be working. Any thoughts?

Peo Sjoblom

This will work without having to reverse the order, with 425 in A5


hardcoded with 425 it would look like



Peo Sjoblom

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