finding appointment in Outlook



Hello VBA Expert
I need to find an appointment in Outlook to update it.
My appointment is set to all day event.

If I used the following code, it cannot find the appointment. oApptItem will
equal nothing

Set oApptItem = oCalendarFolder.Items.Find("[subject] = " & strActivite & "
AND [Location]=" & strLocation & " AND [Start] = """ & tdystart & """" & "
AND [AlldayEvent]= true")

But if my appointment is NOT set to all day event the folloying code works :

' Set oApptItem = oCalendarFolder.Items.Find("[subject] = " &
strActivite & " AND [Location]=" & strLocation & " AND [Start] = """ &
tdystart & """")

How can I find my appointments set to all day event?

Thanks for your help !!


Not a real expert but isn't "AlldayEvent" case sensitive? If this is the
case is should be "AllDayEvent"

It just struck my eye...


even with the syntax AllDayEvent I got the same problem.
This is so weird, If the appointment is not set to AllDayEvent, I can find
the appointment by the subject and the location, If the appointment is set
to AllDayEvent, the program cannot find it.


Roady said:
Not a real expert but isn't "AlldayEvent" case sensitive? If this is the
case is should be "AllDayEvent"

It just struck my eye...



Esperanza said:
Hello VBA Expert
I need to find an appointment in Outlook to update it.
My appointment is set to all day event.

If I used the following code, it cannot find the appointment. oApptItem will
equal nothing

Set oApptItem = oCalendarFolder.Items.Find("[subject] = " & strActivite
AND [Location]=" & strLocation & " AND [Start] = """ & tdystart & """" & "
AND [AlldayEvent]= true")

But if my appointment is NOT set to all day event the folloying code

' Set oApptItem = oCalendarFolder.Items.Find("[subject] = " &
strActivite & " AND [Location]=" & strLocation & " AND [Start] = """ &
tdystart & """")

How can I find my appointments set to all day event?

Thanks for your help !!

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