Finding appointment item of a contacts birthday without searching


Peter Marchert

Hello experts,

is there a possibility to find a calendar item of a contact`s birthday
without searching by name or birthday?

I hope there is a way with mapitables?

Searching is to slow and complicate e. g. the user change the name of
the contact or the birthday. Looping through all appointments and
checking the link property is slow too.

How does Outlook handle this? May be there is a field in the contact
with the entryid of the calendar item?

Any help is welcome.


Peter Marchert

Thank you Michael.

May be my post was confusing, so here some more informations.

An user has 1000 or more birthdays in his contacts and also in the
calender. Now he change 1 contact information (e. g. the name). OL
2003 now creates a new calendar item. My code should find the old one,
delete it and after that (or before) change the new one.

In this case I could set a filter to the birthday and will find the
items in short time. But if he change the birthday...? Only the name
is to less and looping through all items to slow.

Hmm, may be I can set a filter to the modification time? Will this
work reliably? The code runs immediately after the contact is saved.


Ken Slovak - [MVP - Outlook]

PR_SEARCH_KEY in the contact is mirrored by the last 16 bytes of
in the birthday appointment item, but I'm not sure how much help that is to

Probably more helpful is the Links collection (Contacts) of the birthday
item leads you back to the contact item, but that's sort of the reverse of
what you're looking for.

Thank you Michael.

May be my post was confusing, so here some more informations.

An user has 1000 or more birthdays in his contacts and also in the
calender. Now he change 1 contact information (e. g. the name). OL
2003 now creates a new calendar item. My code should find the old one,
delete it and after that (or before) change the new one.

In this case I could set a filter to the birthday and will find the
items in short time. But if he change the birthday...? Only the name
is to less and looping through all items to slow.

Hmm, may be I can set a filter to the modification time? Will this
work reliably? The code runs immediately after the contact is saved.


Peter Marchert

Thanks for your reply, Ken.

This sounds good but I do not find any information about

Is this a undocumented field? And is it aviable in Outlook 2000-2007?


Ken Slovak - [MVP - Outlook]

I've never seen it documented. I found it using OutlookSpy. It's there in
Outlook 2003 on an Exchange setup but I don't see it on Outlook 2007 using a
different mailbox on the same Exchange server. So I guess that's one you
can't rely on.

Peter Marchert

Ok, thank you very much.


I've never seen it documented. I found it using OutlookSpy. It's there in
Outlook 2003 on an Exchange setup but I don't see it on Outlook 2007 using a
different mailbox on the same Exchange server. So I guess that's one you
can't rely on.

Ken Slovak
[MVP - Outlook]
Author: Professional Programming Outlook 2007
Reminder Manager, Extended Reminders, Attachment Options

Thanks for your reply, Ken.
This sounds good but I do not find any information about
Is this a undocumented field? And is it aviable in Outlook 2000-2007?
Peter- Zitierten Text ausblenden -

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Michael Bauer [MVP - Outlook]

Ok, that's a problem.

As a user can only edit one contact at a time, either Selection(1) or
ActiveInspector, you should be able to store that contact's data. If you
then receive an event that indicates that the birthday has changed then you
still know the old birthday and can act on that.

Viele Gruesse / Best regards
Michael Bauer - MVP Outlook
Organize eMails:

Am Mon, 24 Sep 2007 23:45:23 -0700 schrieb Peter Marchert:

Peter Marchert

Sorry, I didn`t saw your post before, Michael.

Yes, I did it similar as you described. On the selection change event
I get the contact as a private object and on the write event I adapt
the calendar.


Ok, that's a problem.

As a user can only edit one contact at a time, either Selection(1) or
ActiveInspector, you should be able to store that contact's data. If you
then receive an event that indicates that the birthday has changed then you
still know the old birthday and can act on that.

Viele Gruesse / Best regards
Michael Bauer - MVP Outlook
Organize eMails:

Am Mon, 24 Sep 2007 23:45:23 -0700 schrieb Peter Marchert:

Thank you Michael.
May be my post was confusing, so here some more informations.
An user has 1000 or more birthdays in his contacts and also in the
calender. Now he change 1 contact information (e. g. the name). OL
2003 now creates a new calendar item. My code should find the old one,
delete it and after that (or before) change the new one.
In this case I could set a filter to the birthday and will find the
items in short time. But if he change the birthday...? Only the name
is to less and looping through all items to slow.
Hmm, may be I can set a filter to the modification time? Will this
work reliably? The code runs immediately after the contact is saved.

Peter, this sample tells you the appointments of a given

Am Mon, 24 Sep 2007 11:02:04 -0700 schrieb Peter Marchert:
Hello experts,
is there a possibility to find a calendar item of a contact`s birthday
without searching by name or birthday?
I hope there is a way with mapitables?
Searching is to slow and complicate e. g. the user change the name of
the contact or the birthday. Looping through all appointments and
checking the link property is slow too.
How does Outlook handle this? May be there is a field in the contact
with the entryid of the calendar item?
Any help is welcome.
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