Finding Autotext Entries



I use autotext all the time and have lots of entries. I am pretty good at
giving the entries distinct names. However, sometimes I forget the name. Is
there a way to do a word search on autotext entries, so I don't have to
scroll through the whole list?

Cindy M.

Hi =?Utf-8?B?cnZ3YWxrZXIyMTI=?=,
I use autotext all the time and have lots of entries. I am pretty good at
giving the entries distinct names. However, sometimes I forget the name. Is
there a way to do a word search on autotext entries, so I don't have to
scroll through the whole list?
No, Word doesn't really provide any facility like this. Closest you could get, I
suppose, would be a macro that "dumps" all the AutoText entry names into a new
document, then you could search the names in that.

If you save your AutoText entries in multiple templates (task-related, perahps)
then you can limit the list by choosing that template from the "Save in" list.

Cindy Meister
INTER-Solutions, Switzerland (last update Jun 17 2005)

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