Finding Cells that Total a Value



Hello Friends,

I need some assistance in solving a problem. I have a spreadsheet with
over five hundred lines of transactions. The sum of these transactions
are creating a balance on the account. Is there any formula/macro that
will help me find the transactions creating the balance? The sum of the
account should be zero. To clarify, if we owe client money, there
would be a transaction setting up that postive balance then a payment
on the account taking it back to zero. There could be multiple
transactions and then one net payment. Or we could be due to receive.
So at the end of the day, the account should be zero. I need to locate
the transactions that are creating the balance (each line is a
transaction). I need a function to cycle through the cells to try and
identify possible entries that could cause the specific deviation. It
could be a single entry that equals the deviation, or it could be 5
separate cells that when summed up equal the deviation. I would need to
setup the depth of the search, and then construct a table of all of the
possible solutions. Anyone know how I can do this?

Niek Otten

Find numbers that add up to a specified sum.
Niek Otten

This type of application tends to be very resource-consuming. It is wise to test a solution first with a limited
set of data
One option is using Solver; I include an example given by MVP Peo Sjoblom. The other is a rather famous VBA Sub by Harlan
Grove. There seems to be one flaw: if the table is sorted ascending and the first n numbers sum up to the required value exactly,
it will miss that combination. I don't know if this has been corrected later.
Note the requirements for your settings documented in the code itself

Peo's solution:
One way but you need the solver add-in installed (it comes with
excel/office,check under tools>add-ins)
put the data set in let's say A2:A8, in B2:B8 put a set of ones {1,1,1 etc}
in the adjacent cells
in C2 put 8, in D2 put
select D2 and do tools>solver, set target cell $D$2 (should come up
automatically if selected)
Equal to a Value of 8, by changing cells $B$2:$B$7, click add under Subject
to the constraints of:
in Cell reference put
from dropdown select Bin, click OK and click Solve, Keep solver solution
and look at the table
2 1
4 0
5 0
6 1
9 0
13 0
there you can see that 4 ones have been replaced by zeros and the adjacent
cells to the 2 ones
total 8
Peo Sjoblom
Harlan's solution:

'Begin VBA Code

' By Harlan Grove

Sub findsums()
'This *REQUIRES* VBAProject references to
'Microsoft Scripting Runtime
'Microsoft VBScript Regular Expressions 1.0 or higher

Const TOL As Double = 0.000001 'modify as needed
Dim c As Variant

Dim j As Long, k As Long, n As Long, p As Boolean
Dim s As String, t As Double, u As Double
Dim v As Variant, x As Variant, y As Variant
Dim dc1 As New Dictionary, dc2 As New Dictionary
Dim dcn As Dictionary, dco As Dictionary
Dim re As New RegExp

re.Global = True
re.IgnoreCase = True

On Error Resume Next

Set x = Application.InputBox( _
Prompt:="Enter range of values:", _
Title:="findsums", _
Default:="", _
Type:=8 _

If x Is Nothing Then
Exit Sub
End If

y = Application.InputBox( _
Prompt:="Enter target value:", _
Title:="findsums", _
Default:="", _
Type:=1 _

If VarType(y) = vbBoolean Then
Exit Sub
t = y
End If

On Error GoTo 0

Set dco = dc1
Set dcn = dc2

Call recsoln

For Each y In x.Value2
If VarType(y) = vbDouble Then
If Abs(t - y) < TOL Then
recsoln "+" & Format(y)

ElseIf dco.Exists(y) Then
dco(y) = dco(y) + 1

ElseIf y < t - TOL Then
dco.Add Key:=y, Item:=1

c = CDec(c + 1)
Application.StatusBar = "[1] " & Format(c)

End If

End If
Next y

n = dco.Count

ReDim v(1 To n, 1 To 3)

For k = 1 To n
v(k, 1) = dco.Keys(k - 1)
v(k, 2) = dco.Items(k - 1)
Next k

qsortd v, 1, n

For k = n To 1 Step -1
v(k, 3) = v(k, 1) * v(k, 2) + v(IIf(k = n, n, k + 1), 3)
If v(k, 3) > t Then dcn.Add Key:="+" & _
Format(v(k, 1)), Item:=v(k, 1)
Next k

On Error GoTo CleanUp
Application.EnableEvents = False
Application.Calculation = xlCalculationManual

For k = 2 To n
swapo dco, dcn

For Each y In dco.Keys
p = False

For j = 1 To n
If v(j, 3) < t - dco(y) - TOL Then Exit For
x = v(j, 1)
s = "+" & Format(x)
If Right(y, Len(s)) = s Then p = True
If p Then
re.Pattern = "\" & s & "(?=(\+|$))"
If re.Execute(y).Count < v(j, 2) Then
u = dco(y) + x
If Abs(t - u) < TOL Then
recsoln y & s
ElseIf u < t - TOL Then
dcn.Add Key:=y & s, Item:=u
c = CDec(c + 1)
Application.StatusBar = "[" & Format(k) & "] " & _
End If
End If
End If
Next j
Next y

If dcn.Count = 0 Then Exit For
Next k

If (recsoln() = 0) Then _
MsgBox Prompt:="all combinations exhausted", _
Title:="No Solution"

Application.EnableEvents = True
Application.Calculation = xlCalculationAutomatic
Application.StatusBar = False

End Sub

Private Function recsoln(Optional s As String)
Const OUTPUTWSN As String = "findsums solutions" 'modify to taste

Static r As Range
Dim ws As Worksheet

If s = "" And r Is Nothing Then
On Error Resume Next
Set ws = ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets(OUTPUTWSN)
If ws Is Nothing Then
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Set ws = ActiveSheet
Set r = Worksheets.Add.Range("A1")
r.Parent.Name = OUTPUTWSN
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Set r = ws.Range("A1")
End If
recsoln = 0
ElseIf s = "" Then
recsoln = r.Row - 1
Set r = Nothing
r.Value = s
Set r = r.Offset(1, 0)
recsoln = r.Row - 1
End If
End Function

Private Sub qsortd(v As Variant, lft As Long, rgt As Long)
'ad hoc quicksort subroutine
'translated from Aho, Weinberger & Kernighan,
'"The Awk Programming Language", page 161

Dim j As Long, pvt As Long

If (lft >= rgt) Then Exit Sub
swap2 v, lft, lft + Int((rgt - lft + 1) * Rnd)
pvt = lft
For j = lft + 1 To rgt
If v(j, 1) > v(lft, 1) Then
pvt = pvt + 1
swap2 v, pvt, j
End If
Next j

swap2 v, lft, pvt

qsortd v, lft, pvt - 1
qsortd v, pvt + 1, rgt
End Sub

Private Sub swap2(v As Variant, i As Long, j As Long)
'modified version of the swap procedure from
'translated from Aho, Weinberger & Kernighan,
'"The Awk Programming Language", page 161

Dim t As Variant, k As Long

For k = LBound(v, 2) To UBound(v, 2)
t = v(i, k)
v(i, k) = v(j, k)
v(j, k) = t
Next k
End Sub

Private Sub swapo(a As Object, b As Object)
Dim t As Object

Set t = a
Set a = b
Set b = t
End Sub
'---- end VBA code ----
Pasting a User Defined Function (UDF)
Niek Otten, March 31, 2006

If you find a VBA function on the Internet or somebody mails you one, and you don't know how to implement it, follow
these steps:

Select all the text of the function.
CTRL+C (that is, press and hold down the CTRL key, press C, release both). This a shortcut for Copy.
Go to Excel. Press ALT+F11 (same method: press and hold the ALT key, press the F11 key and release both). You are now
in the Visual Basic Editor (VBE).
From the menu bar, choose Insert>Module. There should now be a blank module sheet in front of you. Click in it and
then press CTRL+V (same method.). This a shortcut for Paste. You should now see the text of the function in the Module.
Press ALT+F11 again to return to your Excel worksheet.
You should now be able to use the function as if it were a built-in function of Excel, like =SUM(..)

Kind regards,

Niek Otten
Microsoft MVP - Excel

| Hello Friends,
| I need some assistance in solving a problem. I have a spreadsheet with
| over five hundred lines of transactions. The sum of these transactions
| are creating a balance on the account. Is there any formula/macro that
| will help me find the transactions creating the balance? The sum of the
| account should be zero. To clarify, if we owe client money, there
| would be a transaction setting up that postive balance then a payment
| on the account taking it back to zero. There could be multiple
| transactions and then one net payment. Or we could be due to receive.
| So at the end of the day, the account should be zero. I need to locate
| the transactions that are creating the balance (each line is a
| transaction). I need a function to cycle through the cells to try and
| identify possible entries that could cause the specific deviation. It
| could be a single entry that equals the deviation, or it could be 5
| separate cells that when summed up equal the deviation. I would need to
| setup the depth of the search, and then construct a table of all of the
| possible solutions. Anyone know how I can do this?

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