Bill McDonough
I know how to tell one reviewer's changes from another (I'm talking
about changes, not comments). What I don't know is how to search for a
particular reviewer's changes. I have an 11,000 word document and I
want to find the changes made by a particular reviewer. How can I do
that without having to go through every single changes (there are
hundreds, if not thousands)?
Here's another question. What if, after receiving the document back
from a couple of reviewers, I want to make further changes but don't
want them to appear in the same color as my original changes?
Thank you!
about changes, not comments). What I don't know is how to search for a
particular reviewer's changes. I have an 11,000 word document and I
want to find the changes made by a particular reviewer. How can I do
that without having to go through every single changes (there are
hundreds, if not thousands)?
Here's another question. What if, after receiving the document back
from a couple of reviewers, I want to make further changes but don't
want them to appear in the same color as my original changes?
Thank you!