finding coordinates of cells in an excel worksheet


brian kaufmann

I have a number of blocks of data highlighted in blue in an excel
worksheet. “Blocks” refer to a number of consecutive rows of data in
the same column. How would it be possible to find the “coordinates” for
each block in the worksheet?

By “coordinates” are meant:
Look for the first blue block in the excel sheet. Put the cursor on any
cell in the block.

1) country coordinate: Find the word “country” in the worksheet. The
country coordinate is the contents of the cell immediate to the right of
the cell containing the word “country”.

2) name coordinate:
To find the “name” coordinate one has to find the field heading row in
the worksheet. The field heading row can be found by finding the row
where the word “name” appears in the worksheet. Note the column for the
word “name” in the field heading row. The “name” coordinate for the
block is the contents of the cell which is the intersection of the row
where the cursor is (in the blue block) and the column for “name” in the
field heading.

3) ethnicity coordinate:
Find the column in the field heading row which contains the word
“ethnicity”. Field heading row is the same as above. The “ethnicity”
coordinate for the block is the contents of the cell which is the
intersection of the row where the cursor is in the blue block and the
ethnicity column in the field heading row.

4) year coordinate (this is alittle different from above):
The “year” coordinate is the contents of the cell which is the
intersection of the row of the field heading row and the column where
the cursor in the blue block is positioned.

Since all the cells within a block have the same coordinates, this would
only have to be done for one cell within the block.
But I’d like to be able to do this for all of the blocks in the

It would be good if the “coordinates” for all of the blocks in the
worksheet could be listed in a new worksheet by year across with name
and ethnicity in parenthesis at the intersection of year and country in
the following way:

Company History
Country 1950 1960 (the year coordinates)
Belgium name(ethnicity) name (ethnicity) etc.
Australia name(ethnicity) name (ethnicity) etc.

Your help on this would be much appreciated.

Best regards,
Brian Kaufmann

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