Finding/counting a given character within a cell



For a given cell, I need to count the number of times a given character
(e.g., the letter "a") appears. Is there a worksheet function or formula
that will help me do this? Thanks for any help.

hans bal(nl)

You can use this user-defined function:

Function CountChar(MyChar, Mystring)
Dim counter As Integer

CountChar = 0

For counter = 1 To Len(Mystring)
If Mid(Mystring, counter, 1) = MyChar Then CountChar = CountChar + 1
Next counter

End Function

Go to tools-macro-visual basic editor and enter the text above.

You can then use this function like this :


( assuming the cell you want to evaluate is B1)


Dave Peterson

Will count the number of A's or a's in A1.

If you want just the lower case a's:


Thanks for your solution and your help! I am always amazed at the power of
the SUBSTITUTE function.
Regards, Bob

Dave Peterson

I should have included that =substitute() is case sensitive. That's why I
included two versions.

David Biddulph

Will count the number of A's or a's in A1.

If you want just the lower case a's:

What is the division by LEN("a") doing? Isn't LEN("a") equal to 1?

Dave Peterson


But anyone who uses google may want to find the number of times "David" appears
in a cell.

Then the formula is easily changed--it's kind of self documenting.

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