Finding current printer page number


Walter Briscoe

I have hunted for this without success.
I want to know - programmatically - what page the active cell is in.
More precisely, what page ActiveCell.Top is in.
(I take it some sows can split into more than one page.)

I want to automate putting manual page breaks into a sheet.
I would put breaks at or before those automatically inserted by Excel.

Walter Briscoe

In message <[email protected]> of Thu, 12 Mar 2009
15:17:15 in microsoft.public.excel.newusers, Walter Briscoe
I have hunted for this without success.
I want to know - programmatically - what page the active cell is in.
More precisely, what page ActiveCell.Top is in.
(I take it some sows can split into more than one page.)

I want to automate putting manual page breaks into a sheet.
I would put breaks at or before those automatically inserted by Excel.

I had not hunted hard enough!
copies code by Ron de Bruin which hits the spot. I did not find it in
but did find what I take to be the original in

In other places, he notes it is not very fast.
It is a lot faster than me inserting page breaks manually. ;)

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