Finding Data and trensferring to another cell



Can anybody please tell me how I can have the data from a cel
automatically put into another cell when the row label and column labe
are entered; for instance

1 2 3 4

070 75 85 95 100
071 78 88 98 103
072 81 91 101 106

Zipcode 071

Skid # 3


I want to enter the zipcode into a cell and the # of skids into anothe
cell and have the freight rate appear in a new cell
I have hundreds of zip codes and freight rates I need to plug in an
want to be able to have my salespeople just type in the zip code an
number of skids and be able to have the appropriate freight rat

Thank Yo

J.E. McGimpsey

One way:

Assume the table is named "table". Assume Zipcode is in J1, Skid #
in J2. Then use


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