Finding data in an Excel file




I'm trying to find data quickly in an Excel file from a Word userform.

I currently have it working but it is very slow and am exploring faster
methods. Currently I have the macro going to a specific cell, and then doing
a loop downwards until it finds the correct string. I would prefer to use

- the Find method on a range but can't seem to use the Cells.Find method in

- or the Match Worksheetfunction but can't seem to specify the range (the
documentation I found on this topic identifies a need to set the range as an
object...I did this but it's currently not being recognized by Word). I am
currently getting a 'type mismatch' error on the line below. I suspect the
error is caused by the fact that the range is an Excel range, not one in Word:

myRange = .Application.Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("k1:m300")

Here is the code from beginning to end:

Dim test, results, answer
test = "CR 03"

Dim myRange As Range
Dim SalaryFile As Object
Set SalaryFile = GetObject("c:\Project\Pay Rate table v3.xls")
SalaryFileName = "CRA Pay Rate table v3.xls"

'*************OPEN EXCEL****************
With SalaryFile
.Application.Visible = True
.Parent.Windows(SalaryFileName).Visible = True

myRange = .Application.Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("k1:m300")
answer = .Application.WorksheetFunction.Match(test, myRange)


End With
MsgBox answer
End Sub

Would really appreciate some help here!



Doug Robbins - Word MVP

You need to use the Outlook Object model. The best place to get assistance
with that would be in microsoft.public.excel.programming.

Hope this helps.

Please reply to the newsgroup unless you wish to avail yourself of my
services on a paid consulting basis.

Doug Robbins - Word MVP

Helmut Weber

Hi Jille,

apart from being an Exel expert,
this one works for me,
with early binding, Excel already running,
just to show the principle:

Sub Test555()
Dim oExl As Excel.Application
Dim oWrk As Excel.Workbook
Dim oSht As Excel.Worksheet
Set oExl = GetObject(, "Excel.Application")
Set oWrk = oExl.ActiveWorkbook
Set oSht = oWrk.ActiveSheet
Dim c As Excel.Range
With oSht.Range("A1:E21")
Set c = .Find("H X M", LookIn:=xlValues)
End With

MsgBox c.Address

End Sub

Greetings from Bavaria, Germany

Helmut Weber, MVP WordVBA

Win XP, Office 2003
"red.sys" & Chr$(64) & ""

Tony Jollans

You are not wrong. You have defined MyRange as a Word Range but you try to
set it (see below) to an Excel Range. Either define it as Object or
Excel.Range (if you have a reference set to the Excel library).

Actually you aren't setting myRange - you need to explicitly say Set MyRange
= etc.

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