Finding duplicate records that are not exact matches but very clos



Being an avid user of Excel, I have tried various ways to search for
duplicate records in an Excel spreadsheet that might contain over 2,000
entries. The issue is different people entering data in different ways.
Examples are: Chuck Jones vs Charles Jones, Robert Andrews vs Bob Andrews vs
Bobby Andrews, Matt Black vs Matthew Black, etc. Since the first and last
name are in the same cell I cannot simply search by last name. In some
cases, there are even more than 2 entries for the same person. Is there a
way to search for these near duplicates that don't match exactly?

Warren Easton

Hi Carol,

This may not be what you're looking for , but if all the names are in the
same column you could use a filter that contains "Jones" etc.
Excel Novice
Addiewell, Scotland.

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