Finding duplicates



Help...I'm trying to find duplicates and a price in a list, that looks
something like this:

Col A-123456 Col-B-6.39 Col-C- 442
123456 8.30 6907
122222 5.50 442
356488 6.87 6907
356333 8.25 442
222220 3.33 442
222220 10.69 6907
I want to find the duplicate and the price(col B)only for code 6907 in
col-C. I tried a IF(and) statement. I used If(a1=a2,yes, if(and a1=a2,
c1=6907, yes, no). Doesn't work is there another way to get my results. I
would then sort by the yes


Have you try using the Auto Fliter?
This may do what you want.
Hope this is helpful

Pls click the Yes button below if this post provide answer you have asked

Thank You

cheers, francis

Am not a greek but an ordinary user trying to assist another


First I want to find the dupl's in the list and the without having to sort
and pull those out, I want to be able to idenify the duplicates and the price
associated with code 6907. I don't think Auto filter will do that for. I
thought using a formula would allow me to idenify both. Any other ideas?
Thanks for your help


let me see if I can show where my problem comes in,I want the cell A2 to
reference A1 and state it's a duplicate and that the number in C2=6907. I'm
not sure if it make sence. If you can give me another way that would be great
too! Thanks again

81091107 58.15 442 Y dup
81091107 58.86 6907 N no
81091115 49.96 442 Y dup
81091115 69.37 6907 N no
81091123 4098.25 442 Y dup
81091123 4078.67 6907 N no
81091164 142.64 6907 N no
81091172 181.62 6907 N no
81091180 73.69 6907 N no
81091198 218.25 442 Y dup
81091198 289.22 6907 N no
81091206 31.53 442 Y dup
81091206 41.49 6907 N no
81091214 38.01 6907 N no
81091222 61.39 6907 N no
81091230 61.39 6907 N no
81091255 64.81 6907 N no
81091263 39.47 6907 N no
81091271 29.79 6907 N no

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