Finding Duplicates



I'm trying to check for duplicates excluding blank cells across a range A3:I3

I've looked at Chip Pearson's site and tried adapting the formula there

=IF(MAX(COUNTIF(INDIRECT("A2:A"&(MAX((A2:A500<>"")*ROW(A2:A500)))),INDIRECT("A2:A"&(MAX((A2:A500<>"")*ROW(A2:A500))))))>1,"Duplicates","No Duplicates")

Duplicates") as an array

but it gives the answer Duplicates if any cell has a value, if they are all
blank the answer is #Ref!

I'm stuck now I'm afraid

I'd appreciate any help. Thanks.



I just want to check a range of cells and if there are duplicates, excluding
blank cells, return "Duplicates". I don't want to eliminate them, just know
there is one or more there.

Aladin Akyurek

Do you mean a formula for diagnosis...


Custom format the formula cell as:

[=1]"No Duplicates";[=0]"Duplicates"

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