Finding highest values



First off, thanks to all who helped me before, works great!

I have rows with multiple info, i.e. name, age, sub-event score and a final
total score. Is there a way I can have a second sheet sort through these
scores and keep a constantly updating "top four" in each age group? The "top
four" would be the top four FINAL scores from each AGE group. The tie
breaker for any ties is the value listed as TIME. I know I can do this as a
sort, but I would like this on a seperate sheet and constantly updating.

Am I asking too much?


You can use the RANK formula to give you the order, or a series of
LARGE functions with 1, 2, 3, 4 as the parameter, and then use VLOOKUP
to get the matching data.

Follow this link for a detailed explanation:

Hope this helps.


Mike H


Not being certain how your data are laid out makes it difficult to be
precise. However, with your scores in B1 - B20 and the names in A1 - A20 put
this in C1 and drag down 4 cells. It will return the names of the top 4 scores


I've almost certainly got your data layout incorrect but you may be able to
adapt it.



I guess I left out some details, sorry. I have the names in C2-C100. The
final score will be in Column L, Age in Column D, and the Time in Column K.
I need it to produce the top four scores from each of the three age groups
(8,10 and 12) and show me the names. Any ties would be broken by the lowest
TIME value.

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