finding if a date falls between two dates



Hi. I hope there's an answer to this problem:
N column is "Start Date",
O column is "End Date",
I have a named range "holidays" in U3:U9.

I need to find out if any of the "holidays" date fall within my Start Dates
and my End Dates, which vary from row to row.


N column is "Start Date",
O column is "End Date",
I have a named range "holidays" in U3:U9.  
I need to find out if any of the "holidays" date fall within my
Start Dates and my End Dates, which vary from row to row.

SUMPRODUCT((N2<=U3:U9)*(U3:U9<=O2)) returns the number of holidays
between the dates in N2 and O2. The following tells you if at least
one holiday is between those dates:

=if(sumproduct((N2<=U3:U9)*(U3:U9<=O2))=0,"none","at least one")

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