Finding if "work to do" will exceed schedule for task




Running MS-Project 2000.

For individual tasks, as far as keeping on schedule is concerned,
the PM is less interested in the work done, it is the estimated
effort/time required to finish the task that is important.


We estimated a 5 day task. 3 days work has been done - that's fine
for billing the work down. However, I really want the actuals to also
tell me that the resource feels that 3 MORE days are needed to complete
the task.

In which field can I enter this "Days to Complete" estimate for a
task - and how can I display it so that it becomes visible that the
completion date will be overrun for that task?




Hi Clive,

I suggest working with actual work and remaining work or actual duration and
remaining duration. You would create the 5 day task assign your resources
and baseline. If you log 3 days of actual duration, project will calculate
2 days remaining -- based upon the original 5 days. You would simply enter
3 days remaining duration and Project will project the new planned finish
date based upon 3 days actual and 3 more remaining.

I hope this helps. Let us know how you get along.


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