Finding Info from sheet 1 and removing only those rows from sheet


Johnny B

Hey Guys! My questions is quite complex I hope someone can help me with it...
I want to find information from Excel Sheet 1 and remove only those rows
from Excel Sheet 2. The repeated information has identical columns. For

|Column A| B| C| D|

Sheet 1:
| 1 | John Johnson | 1234 Fake Street Avenue | California |
| 3 | Jane Doe | 824 Main Street | Nevada |

Sheet 2:
| 1 | John Johnson | No address | None |
| 2 | Brad Gensen | No address | None |
| 3 | Jane Doe | No Address available |N/A|

and then find the identical info from sheet 1 and remove the cell row from
sheet 2, leaving me with :

Sheet 2:
| 2 | Brad Gensen | No address | None |

THANKS for your help guys! really appreciate it!

~johnny b

Dave Peterson

Why would Jane Doe be eliminated--it didn't match all the columns.

If I were doing it, I would insert a new column A on each sheet.

Then I'd use a formula to concatenate all the important fields needed to

and drag down
(do it in both worksheets)

Now I only have one field to compare and I can use some of the techniques at
Chip Pearson's site:

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