I have a 100x100 cell array of numbers imported from another program. I want to pull out the top 10% of them, so I'm trying to find the number which is the cutoff for the top 10% - in other words I want to find the 1000th largest value of the 10,000 total
Kth largest in Descriptive Statistics in Data Analysis will only give you the value for a given column; similarly as far as I can tell functions like rank also only work on columns. How do I do this for an array of values
I'm a Visual Basic neophyte so if someone could show me how to do this without programming I'd be very indebted...
Kth largest in Descriptive Statistics in Data Analysis will only give you the value for a given column; similarly as far as I can tell functions like rank also only work on columns. How do I do this for an array of values
I'm a Visual Basic neophyte so if someone could show me how to do this without programming I'd be very indebted...