finding multiple records in excel 2004



I've been a Microsoft Works for the Mac user for years and years, but
I'm trying to stop using programs that work only in Classic. My problem
is that often I need to find all matches to a word in the database (for
example, out of a list of 100 entries, 25 of them will have the same
author or publisher or whatever, and I'll need to see them all). This
was a snap in works, but I can't figure out how to do it in excel. I
have a friend who said he can do it in his Windows version of excel,
that there is a "find all" button when you are doing a seach. Is this
just not available in the Mac version, or am I missing something.
Thank you.

Michael Vilain

I've been a Microsoft Works for the Mac user for years and years, but
I'm trying to stop using programs that work only in Classic. My problem
is that often I need to find all matches to a word in the database (for
example, out of a list of 100 entries, 25 of them will have the same
author or publisher or whatever, and I'll need to see them all). This
was a snap in works, but I can't figure out how to do it in excel. I
have a friend who said he can do it in his Windows version of excel,
that there is a "find all" button when you are doing a seach. Is this
just not available in the Mac version, or am I missing something.
Thank you.

You're now seeing the difference between a database program and Excel
used as a database program. It's not intended to be used this way but
that doesn't stop people from doing so.

My advise is to switch to a native-mode database system like Applework's
Database or find a cheap copy of Filemaker 6 or later on eBay.


I actually bought FIlemaker Pro 7, and I also have Appleworks 6. I was
encouraged with Filemaker, but it doesn't let you do some simple things
that programs like Works and Excel does, like copying a row (or a
record) and pasting it into another file. Unless I'm doing something
wrong, when I copy a record and then paste it, the entire record is
pasted into one field of the new file. It's a real pain in the butt.
Also, I'm sure you can add a row of number in FM, but they sure don't
make it easy. I haven't figured out how to do it yet.
Thanks for your help anyway.


Excel has a fairly good filter system. Depending on your needs, you can
use either AutoFilter or Advanced Filter. In addition to those two
options, you can also use a formula-based approach if those don't quite
meet your needs.

Or am I missing something here?


When I do the filter, although it instructions say to type in the first
letter to go to that letter, nothing happens when I do that. I have to
scroll through hundreds and hundreds of listings in order to get to the
listing I might want.
I don't really understand the advanced filter. I need a manual.

JE McGimpsey

When I do the filter, although it instructions say to type in the first
letter to go to that letter, nothing happens when I do that. I have to
scroll through hundreds and hundreds of listings in order to get to the
listing I might want.

I'm not sure what instructions you're referring to. If it's in Help it
needs to be sent as feedback to MS.
I don't really understand the advanced filter. I need a manual.

Are you using Help? The "about filtering" topic is pretty comprehensive.

Debra Dalgleish's site has some good stuff:

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