Francis Hookham
Finding name of file
I need to find the name of the active XL workbook (let us call it by it¹s
Job and Drawing No. - "000237_047") and assign that name to variable
"OriginalWorkbook". From this I shall name a second variable, "NewWorkbook",
by adding an underscore and the date in the format "dmmmyy" and using this
to name a new Read Only* workbook.
NewWorkbook will contain two of the worksheets from OriginalWorkbook so I
thought it would most easily be automatically generated by moving the first
worksheet to a new workbook, naming it NewWorkbook and the going back to
OriginalWorkbook to copy the second sheet
I am stumped over obtaining the name of the original workbook.
Finally I must "Save As" the new workbook as "Read Only".
Simply saving the original workbook under a different name would mean having
to remove several unwanted worksheets as well as macros - as it is I shall
have to remove some buttons on the copied sheets but they are named and that
should be easy
I think I can do all of this once you have shown me how to generate the two
variables but please let me have any tips - thanks once again.
Francis Hookham
* I have assumed "Read Only" is what I want but I need to look at
"Protecting" each sheet to understand which does what and which is best in
this case.
I need to find the name of the active XL workbook (let us call it by it¹s
Job and Drawing No. - "000237_047") and assign that name to variable
"OriginalWorkbook". From this I shall name a second variable, "NewWorkbook",
by adding an underscore and the date in the format "dmmmyy" and using this
to name a new Read Only* workbook.
NewWorkbook will contain two of the worksheets from OriginalWorkbook so I
thought it would most easily be automatically generated by moving the first
worksheet to a new workbook, naming it NewWorkbook and the going back to
OriginalWorkbook to copy the second sheet
I am stumped over obtaining the name of the original workbook.
Finally I must "Save As" the new workbook as "Read Only".
Simply saving the original workbook under a different name would mean having
to remove several unwanted worksheets as well as macros - as it is I shall
have to remove some buttons on the copied sheets but they are named and that
should be easy
I think I can do all of this once you have shown me how to generate the two
variables but please let me have any tips - thanks once again.
Francis Hookham
* I have assumed "Read Only" is what I want but I need to look at
"Protecting" each sheet to understand which does what and which is best in
this case.