I have made a list with a web query.
It is made up of columns A,B,C,D and E.
I wish to update the web query every couple of days
and paste the new list into the next available columns F,G,H,I and J.
I understand how to find the next available column with a VB script,
which I have seen in other posts, but how to find and paste A into F, B
into G etc for the next 5?
I then wish to compare the two lists ie ABCDE and FGHIJ for new entries
and then paste them to a new sheet. The
=if(countif($B:$B,A1)=0,"Only in A","")seems to be only for comparing
two columns to each other. Can it be modified to check the first 5
columns to the next 5 columns.
I have made a list with a web query.
It is made up of columns A,B,C,D and E.
I wish to update the web query every couple of days
and paste the new list into the next available columns F,G,H,I and J.
I understand how to find the next available column with a VB script,
which I have seen in other posts, but how to find and paste A into F, B
into G etc for the next 5?
I then wish to compare the two lists ie ABCDE and FGHIJ for new entries
and then paste them to a new sheet. The
=if(countif($B:$B,A1)=0,"Only in A","")seems to be only for comparing
two columns to each other. Can it be modified to check the first 5
columns to the next 5 columns.