finding out if a table already has a record in it


Don Starnes

I am writing a function that tests if a record has been created in a table;
it is used before creating a record:

Dim cvdb As Database
Dim cvjoinrst As DAO.Recordset
Dim cvjoinspec As String
Dim mytest As Integer

' specify the database
Set cvdb = currentdb()

' open the join table
Set cvjoinrst = cvdb.OpenRecordset("joins_group_person")

cvjoinspec = "[index_groups]=2 AND [index_persons]=8"

With cvjoinrst
cvBookmark = .Bookmark ' Store current record location.
.FindFirst cvjoinspec ' look for the join

If .NoMatch Then ' If there is no such join,
mytest = 0 ' set the value to 0.
Else ' If there is a join,
mytest = 1 ' set the value to 1
End If
.Bookmark = cvBookmark ' go to the last current record.
End With

This code gives an error: Operation not supported for this type of object

What am I doing wrong?

Thanks in advance for your generous help,

Douglas J. Steele

Why the bookmark? Are you using the recordset anywhere else?

To find out whether the record already exists, use DLookup or DCount, or
open a recordset specific to your search criteria:

Dim cvjoinspec As String
Dim mytest As Integer

cvjoinspec = "[index_groups]=2 AND [index_persons]=8"
If IsNull(DLookup("FieldName", "joins_group_person", cvjoinspec)) = True
' record doesn't exist
mytest = 0
' record exists
mytest = 1
End If


Dim cvjoinspec As String

cvjoinspec = "[index_groups]=2 AND [index_persons]=8"
If DCount("*", "joins_group_person", cvjoinspec) = 0 Then
' record doesn't exist
mytest = 0
' record exists
mytest = 1
End If


Dim cvdb As Database
Dim cvjoinrst As DAO.Recordset
Dim mytest As Integer
Dim strSQL As String

strSQL = "SELECT * FROM joins_group_person " & _
"WHERE [index_groups]=2 AND [index_persons]=8"

' specify the database
Set cvdb = currentdb()

' open the join table
Set cvjoinrst = cvdb.OpenRecordset("strSQL")

If cvjoinrst.BOF And cvjoinrst.EOF Then
mytest = 0
mytest = 1
End If

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