Hi, I have a query which recieves a string as criteria and
finds it in other string.
To be more precise, the user gives me a Name and I find
this name in a Remarks field (which might have a message
or note for a specific person)
my code:
strSQL = "Name Like ""*"" & Forms!frmTimeChart!
ctlName& ""*"""
DoCmd.OpenReport "rptTimeChart", acViewPreview, , strSQL
This works find except when having names like Tom and
User Tom want to sort if there is any message for him in
the remarks field, but will get his messages and also
Tomas messages, any ideas for avoiding this situation?
finds it in other string.
To be more precise, the user gives me a Name and I find
this name in a Remarks field (which might have a message
or note for a specific person)
my code:
strSQL = "Name Like ""*"" & Forms!frmTimeChart!
ctlName& ""*"""
DoCmd.OpenReport "rptTimeChart", acViewPreview, , strSQL
This works find except when having names like Tom and
User Tom want to sort if there is any message for him in
the remarks field, but will get his messages and also
Tomas messages, any ideas for avoiding this situation?