Stephanie Krieger
Hi, Ron,
PowerPoint views hyperlinks as a type of action setting
whether in text or applied to a shape. The ActionSetting
property just follows the TextRange property when the
hyperlink appears in text...
For example:
Hyperlink on a shape might be written as:
Hyperlink within text within that shape would be written
If you're going to search throughout shapes for text
containing hyperlinks ... be sure to check if the shape
has a text frame (i.e., a line is a shape, but doesn't
contain a text frame) -- or you might throw errors. The
HasTextFrame property will take care of this ... i.e.,
For each ashp in ActiveWindow.Selection.SlideRange.Shapes
If ahp.HasTextFrame = True Then...
Hope that helps.
Stephanie Krieger
author of Microsoft Office Document Designer (from
Microsoft Press)
e-mail: MODD_2003 @ msn . com
blog: arouet.net
PowerPoint views hyperlinks as a type of action setting
whether in text or applied to a shape. The ActionSetting
property just follows the TextRange property when the
hyperlink appears in text...
For example:
Hyperlink on a shape might be written as:
Hyperlink within text within that shape would be written
If you're going to search throughout shapes for text
containing hyperlinks ... be sure to check if the shape
has a text frame (i.e., a line is a shape, but doesn't
contain a text frame) -- or you might throw errors. The
HasTextFrame property will take care of this ... i.e.,
For each ashp in ActiveWindow.Selection.SlideRange.Shapes
If ahp.HasTextFrame = True Then...
Hope that helps.
Stephanie Krieger
author of Microsoft Office Document Designer (from
Microsoft Press)
e-mail: MODD_2003 @ msn . com
blog: arouet.net