Finding tops and bottoms using stock data



I have imported stock data including open, high, low and close. I need to
find the tops and bottoms that occur over the course of time using the highs
and lows, however how do I find one set of data when it is now in two


Thank you for your response.

I am looking for more than one max or min. I am looking for the next high
after a low is formed and the next low after that high. Here is an example
of some data so you can see.
Column A Column B
High Low
1.9960 1.9951
1.9954 1.9944
1.9954 1.9942
1.9954 1.9947
1.9948 1.9923
1.9966 1.9926
1.9958 1.9921
1.9940 1.9922
1.9936 1.9902

The first high in Col A is 1.9960. Then we move to Col B and find the first
low at 1.9942 with the next high at 1.9954 then low of 1.9923 then high of
1.9966 then low at 1.9902. So basically I need to bounce back and forth
between the columns to plot the highs and lows in a single column.

The other thing that may make this tricky is that I am not always looking
for the maximum or minimum. I am looking for peaks and valleys so when the
market is moving up and making higher highs, the lows will sometimes also be
higher, but I am looking for how far they go down even in an uptrend and vice

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