finding values and put them in a listbox on visual basic form


Frank M


i'm creating an visual basic form for an excel sheet that is being used at
my work. The sheet looks as followed:

colum A B C D E F G H I J
in/out | 20 || 30 || 40 |
20 A|S|D A|S|D A|S|D
30 |S|
40 |S| A| |D

the numbers horizontal are merged cells and the letters are hyperlinks to
other excel documents that contain data. lets say that the numbers are
different types of cars and that u can rebuild a car type to an other car
type. So when u want to rebuild a 20 car to an 30 car there are documents
available which gives u diffferent information (A-S-D).
My question: i want to create a list that shows the types of output that are
available when the user inserts a input. For example: When the user inserts
20 as input and 30 as output the documents can be opened form the visual
basic form with 3 different textbox's. But when the user inserts 40 as input
and 20 as output there will be no data available from the textbox's. now i
want to generate a listbox which say that there are documents available from
a 40 / 30 combination and a 40/40 combination. this list has to be made in
Visual basic.

I hope u can help me with this, perhaps vague, problem.

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