Francis Hookham
(Referring to the text below the line)
Until recently a list of meetings was sent out as a printable .rtf file. Now
we have a Meetings page on our website but I still have to send out a
printable document or hard copy to a few members who do not have a net
Having copied the Meeting page and pasted into Word as plain text I need to
compress each event into a single paragraph, with a Manual Line Break
separating everything after the meeting subject. Unfortunately it is beyond
me to do this other than manually because the line break needs to come
before Host or Contact or Cashier or Reception, whichever is first.
Sometimes there is only a Contact, sometimes there is a Host and sometimes
there is neither so the Cashier comes first.
With earlier MVP help I now have a macro which recognises the date and time
and places a tab between date and time and between time and venue. I doubt
we shall ever be able to automatically put a tab between venue, meal and
However it should be possible to put a manual line break ahead of whichever
comes first of Host, Contact, Cashier or Reception.
Then, I wonder if there is a way of replaceng the paragraph marks with a ",
" between each remaining item.
Taking the first event:
29.08.2006 13:00 University Arms Hotel Lunch (frugal) Mark
Oliver, The work of Cambridgeshire Trading Standards Department
Host: Ben Jupp
Cashier: Graeme Minto
Reception: Stan Webster and Ian Purdy
Would end up as:
29.08.2006 13:00 University Arms Hotel Lunch (frugal) Mark
Oliver, The work of Cambridgeshire Trading Standards Department
Host: Ben Jupp, Cashier: Graeme Minto, Reception: Stan Webster and Ian Purdy
Many thanks and apologies for this long winded posting - I suppose the
problem is that I am able to write a series of IF statements in this
situation. Maybe I shall have to try in XL
Francis Hookham
29.08.2006 13:00 University Arms Hotel Lunch (frugal) Mark
Oliver, The work of Cambridgeshire Trading Standards Department
Host: Ben Jupp
Cashier: Graeme Minto
Reception: Stan Webster and Ian Purdy
03.09.2006 Grafham Water RYLA Week RYLA - the Rotary Youth
Leadership Award at Graffham Water, 2-9 September, all welcome on Sunday,
3rd, to see what it is all about
Contact: Victor Bugg
05.09.2006 12:00 University Arm Hotel ISC meeting
International Service Committee meeting at the UAH in room to be advised
05.09.2006 13:00 University Arms Hotel Lunch meeting
Murray Morse, Editor Cambridge Evening News, Developments of the CEN
Host: Charles Hewitson
Cashier: John Grieve
Reception: Tony Newall
05.09.2006 18:15 CUP Council meeting Council Meeting at
CUP, Shaftesbury Rd. All members are welcome
10.09.2006 TBA Sunday Walk Put this date in your diary for the
Sunday Walk No. 4 to be arranged by Bernard - details later
Contact: Bernard Townshend
12.09.2006 07:45 University Arms Hotel Breakfast
Fellowship meeting
Cashier: Charles Hewitson
Reception: Jim Lamb
Until recently a list of meetings was sent out as a printable .rtf file. Now
we have a Meetings page on our website but I still have to send out a
printable document or hard copy to a few members who do not have a net
Having copied the Meeting page and pasted into Word as plain text I need to
compress each event into a single paragraph, with a Manual Line Break
separating everything after the meeting subject. Unfortunately it is beyond
me to do this other than manually because the line break needs to come
before Host or Contact or Cashier or Reception, whichever is first.
Sometimes there is only a Contact, sometimes there is a Host and sometimes
there is neither so the Cashier comes first.
With earlier MVP help I now have a macro which recognises the date and time
and places a tab between date and time and between time and venue. I doubt
we shall ever be able to automatically put a tab between venue, meal and
However it should be possible to put a manual line break ahead of whichever
comes first of Host, Contact, Cashier or Reception.
Then, I wonder if there is a way of replaceng the paragraph marks with a ",
" between each remaining item.
Taking the first event:
29.08.2006 13:00 University Arms Hotel Lunch (frugal) Mark
Oliver, The work of Cambridgeshire Trading Standards Department
Host: Ben Jupp
Cashier: Graeme Minto
Reception: Stan Webster and Ian Purdy
Would end up as:
29.08.2006 13:00 University Arms Hotel Lunch (frugal) Mark
Oliver, The work of Cambridgeshire Trading Standards Department
Host: Ben Jupp, Cashier: Graeme Minto, Reception: Stan Webster and Ian Purdy
Many thanks and apologies for this long winded posting - I suppose the
problem is that I am able to write a series of IF statements in this
situation. Maybe I shall have to try in XL
Francis Hookham
29.08.2006 13:00 University Arms Hotel Lunch (frugal) Mark
Oliver, The work of Cambridgeshire Trading Standards Department
Host: Ben Jupp
Cashier: Graeme Minto
Reception: Stan Webster and Ian Purdy
03.09.2006 Grafham Water RYLA Week RYLA - the Rotary Youth
Leadership Award at Graffham Water, 2-9 September, all welcome on Sunday,
3rd, to see what it is all about
Contact: Victor Bugg
05.09.2006 12:00 University Arm Hotel ISC meeting
International Service Committee meeting at the UAH in room to be advised
05.09.2006 13:00 University Arms Hotel Lunch meeting
Murray Morse, Editor Cambridge Evening News, Developments of the CEN
Host: Charles Hewitson
Cashier: John Grieve
Reception: Tony Newall
05.09.2006 18:15 CUP Council meeting Council Meeting at
CUP, Shaftesbury Rd. All members are welcome
10.09.2006 TBA Sunday Walk Put this date in your diary for the
Sunday Walk No. 4 to be arranged by Bernard - details later
Contact: Bernard Townshend
12.09.2006 07:45 University Arms Hotel Breakfast
Fellowship meeting
Cashier: Charles Hewitson
Reception: Jim Lamb