Finding whole words in strings


Theo van der Ster


I often use text files to store reference information such as quotes,
dictionary definitions, synonyms, etc. For searching, I go through all
paragraphs and use Instr to find the word or words I'm looking for.

My question is: Is there a way to confine Instr to looking for whole
words only? I sometimes resort to tricks, such as looking for
space+word+space but then I miss the words at the start and the
beginning of the paragraph, and then there are of course full stops,
commas, etc.


Jay Freedman

Hi, Theo,

No, there isn't any "whole words" setting for InsStr. I can see a few

- Locate the substring with InStr. Then test the characters before and
after the substring to make sure they're both in the set of delimiters
[space, paragraph mark, list of punctuation]. If not, search again
from the end of the substring.

- Create a temporary document, insert the content of the text file
into it, and use MyRange.Find with .MatchWholeWord = True.

- Learn to use the RegExp object
to do pattern matching.

Theo van der Ster

Thanks, Jay,

And what a shame. Wouldn't it be easy to have a "whole words" search
capability in Instr. I looked into RegExp but I have to admit it's a
little over my head. I think I'll stick with checking substrings,
unless it slows down my procedures too much.

Thanks again,

Jay Freedman said:
Hi, Theo,

No, there isn't any "whole words" setting for InsStr. I can see a few

- Locate the substring with InStr. Then test the characters before and
after the substring to make sure they're both in the set of delimiters
[space, paragraph mark, list of punctuation]. If not, search again
from the end of the substring.

- Create a temporary document, insert the content of the text file
into it, and use MyRange.Find with .MatchWholeWord = True.

- Learn to use the RegExp object
to do pattern matching.


I often use text files to store reference information such as quotes,
dictionary definitions, synonyms, etc. For searching, I go through all
paragraphs and use Instr to find the word or words I'm looking for.

My question is: Is there a way to confine Instr to looking for whole
words only? I sometimes resort to tricks, such as looking for
space+word+space but then I miss the words at the start and the
beginning of the paragraph, and then there are of course full stops,
commas, etc.


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