Finding winners


No Name

I am trying to do a report where the winners of a compertion are
marked or have a field next to there names saying who's first, second
and third over all, but I also need to mark who is the winners in
there class and they can not be the same as the over all winners. I
have a report that sorts on class and then on scores but I cannot
figue out how to put a field next to there names that tells if there
are the winners.


Arvin Meyer

No Name said:
I am trying to do a report where the winners of a compertion are
marked or have a field next to there names saying who's first, second
and third over all, but I also need to mark who is the winners in
there class and they can not be the same as the over all winners. I
have a report that sorts on class and then on scores but I cannot
figue out how to put a field next to there names that tells if there
are the winners.

I'm not sure how your report is grouped, but within that group you need to
sort in descending order. You may be able to simply add a textbox with:


as the controlsource. and set the box to HideDuplicates in the Property
Sheet. The only problem that might occur is if the list extended to more
than 1 page. You can reduce the change of that by putting a page break in
the Group footer.
Arvin Meyer, MCP, MVP
Microsoft Access
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No Name

A competition may have 50 or more people in it. There will be an over
all First, Second and Third place, they will be the people with the
top 3 scores. Than there will be class awards , first, second and
third and maybe forth and firth depending on how many people are in a
class. The top 3 will not receive class awards.
What I have now is a report that separates the class and put them in
order by score. I would like the report to point out the top 3 over
all and point out the class winners for each competition. Because a
competition will have more then one stage the winners are not always
in order.
Example: In a 3 position shooting competition a person shoots in the
prone, standing and knelling postion. There will be an over all 1,2
and 3td place and aclass award for Master winner 1-2-3 an Expert
1-2-3 an sharpshooter 1-2-3 and a marksman 1-2-3.The over all and
class winners can not be the same person in a match. This is for each
positon. Then at the end there is Grand Winners and the same awards.
The only time a person can win more than once if he wins an award in
Prone, he can win in standing and wn in kneeling and in the grand.
Hope it makes scenes


No Name

So far what I have is a table with a form for the competitors personal
info Name, address , NRA# ,age ,class and so on. Then a table and form
to collect the scores on each target 12 targets per competitors. A
query that does the math for each position prone, standing and
knelling. I have a report that gathers the name, NRA# and the scores
from each position and sorts them by class then aggregate scores.
What I get is Name the prone score then the standing score then the
knelling score the last column is the total score. What I would like
the report to do is mark or show some how the winner in prone then
standing then knelling then the over all.

Here is a shorted example.
Class: Master
Name prone standing Knelling Total
R.non 395 2sd 369 2sd 388 2sd 1152 1st
Bob 400 1st 350 300 1052
Rich 350 400 1st 400 1st

I also have a report that prints a Match report that gets sent to the
NRA that has the NRA# total score for each competitor and there

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