As I saisd in a previous post, your Start Date + Time are *NOT* exactly the
same !
Display the time beside the date :
Tools / Options / Views / Date format : something with12:33
So you can see that Task 4 and task 20 begin on 23/02/04 at 09:00
Task 19 begins at 11:00
Task 21 begins at 15:00
Task 22 begins at 16:00...
So the "Find Next" feature can't find them. (Your calendar hours begin at
You woul have better to use a filter :
Project / Filtered for / More Filters / New
- Field Name : Start
- Test : equals
- Values : "Start date : "?
Another point : almost all you tasks have date constraint ! You don't use
dependencies such as Finish to start (FS), Start to Start (SS)....
Gérard Ducouret