Finish date calculation with multiple resources



I have assigned two resources on a task. Resource A works 50% (mornings) and
resource B 80% (not on Fridays).
The task I have assigned to them starts on 3 September, according to my
plan. The overall effort is one day, which leads to .92 days, based on A & B'
B is on holiday from 4 September and back in the office on 14 September.
During that time, A is working normally, according to her schedule.
I cannot explain why MS Projects calculates the end of the task on 14
September, as A is free to work at her pace whilst B is on holiday. It should
be finished by September 4. It is as if A cannot work if B is on holiday.
I am obviously doing something wrong. But what???

Jim Aksel

Select a date format that includes a time stamp (hh:mm). Verify the task is
starting at the open of business on the Sept 3rd. If the task starts before
1PM, then all of "A" will be able to complete their portion leaving "B" to
work the rest of the effort. In order to get it all into one day, the task
must start in time to let "B" get in a full 6.4 hours that day.

Verfiy assigned work is 4 hours for "A" and 6.4 Hours for "B"
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Jim Aksel, MVP

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Jan De Messemaeker


Multiple assignments on a task are (nearly always) handled by Project as if
they are separate tasks.
So indeed, the work assigned to B HAS TO BE done by B, A will not
automaically take over.
Such functionality does absolutely not exist in Project.
It schedule the work you assigned, to be done by teh people you assigned.

Jan De Messemaeker
Microsoft Project Most Valuable Professional
+32 495 300 620
For availability check:

Steve House [MVP]

Project treats resources independently. In your example, each of the
resources are doing a specific number of man-hours of work and A cannot do
some of B if B is not there.So A does all of her assigned part and then goes
away. B has done part of hers but the task isn't completed until she
returns from vacation and finihses her part. If you want A to pick it up,
you have to edit the task usage view manually to shift hours from one
resource to the other.

80% does NOT mean B doesn't work Fridays. What a max availability of 80%
means is that B still works 5 days a week but is only 80% effective in
converting time hours to work hours. If you put her on an 8 hour task on
Monday, do you expect that task to be 8 man-hours of work or 6.4 man-hours?
If her max availability is 80%. 6.4 man=hours is the result. But generally
speaking, what you really mean is when she's working, she works 100% - gives
8 man-hours of work for 8 hours of time put in, but she only works 4 days a
week, not five. The way to handle that is to mofiy her resource calendar to
show she only works Mon - Thur but is available for 100% of that 4 day

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